Physical description

Coloured: This is to certify that Bro John Enever. PA. Has received a vote of thanks for having passed the Arch Druids chair in lodge No 247. Signed by: W.W. Pearce - Secretary. Sandhurst Lodge. No 247. Other men in the photo are:: Bro. J R.Blokkeerusab --- Bro. G.Pearce. DP --- Bro. W.W.Pearse. Sec --- Bro. J.Jose. A.D.B. --- Bro. L.W.Lee. MS --- Bro. G.E.Branagan .I.C --- Bro. G.Hocking.V.A.B --- Bro. A.Enever.P.A --- Bro .J.Redding. V.A.B --- Bro. V.Hosking.DC --- Bro. A.Pieper.PC --- Bro. W.Franklin.A.B.D --- Bro. L.W.Lee. Jnr. TRE --- Bro. E.Johnson. PDP --- Bro. W.Pascoe.VP ---- United Ancient Order of Druids. Markings: D1 536. Embossed frame. Deframed 2022