Physical description

black and white photograph of the Great Extended Hustlers Quartz Mining claim. Photograph shows five weatherboard clad buildings with corrugated iron roofing. Poppet legs and cable support trestles. Bush logs in foregound at right. Office at left, battery house centre background. Main shaft right. Copy of original photo. On face of photo in indian ink: area of 24 acres, has 6 shafts, equals 4000 feet of sinking. No less than 13 levels and 16 x cuts making a total of 12000 feet. Amount spent in labour 228,000 ( pounds stg. ) Quartz raised 144,5000 tons and yields to date 188,000 ozs of gold. Dividends 585,000 ( pounts st.) nearly 20/-/ a share. Employment to nearly 200 men. It is stated this rich mine changed hands the early days for only 30/-/-. On back in black ink ' Gr. Extended Hustlers. Bottom right corner : A. Richardson/29 Harrison Street/Bendigo.

Inscriptions & markings

N.J. Caire