Physical description

Black and white photocopy of a photo of the Rose of Australia 1907 printed on cream paper. Photo shows the building after it was burnt down in 1907. Two chimneys and some of the building are still standing, the rest is a pile of twisted timber. A number of men and a couple of children are standing in the rubble, two are on the roof and two on a ladder. Printed on white paper under the picture are - Rose of Australia 1907 when it was burnt down. Photocopy of a photo of the Rose of Australia Re Built. It is a brick building with a veranda with iron lace between the veranda poles. There are three decorative edges above the veranda, the first has Rose of, the middle has Australia and the third has Hotel painted on it. On part of the wall underneath is the name A. Thomas. A number of men and boys are standing in front of the building.