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Program for the unveiling of memorial plaque at the location of the former Long Gully Fire Station on the 20th August 2000 at Creeth St Long Gully, rear of St Mathews Anglical Church. List of Dignitaries include Parliamentarians: Hon Andre' Haermeyer MP, Hon Bob Cameron MP and Ron Best MLC. Other Dignitaries: Cr Laurie Whelan, Cr Willi Carney and CFA Bill Davies and Bruce Furnell. Special Guests included Representatives of the Bendigo Fire Brigade, Long Gully Community House, Bendigo and District Cornish Association, Central Victorian Fire Preservation Society and St Mathews Church. Briefing notes include the Plaque, Long Gully and a brief history of the Long Gully Fire Brigade. Also included is a location map of the Long Gully Area.