Physical description

Contract of sale of real estate dated 5th May, 1966 between Mrs. G. J. Wilkinson (vendor) and Mr. C. & Mrs. L. Sartori (purchaser). Solicitor for vendor: Messrs. Schleiger & Smalley, Williamson Street, Bendigo. Solicitor for purchaser: Mr. H. E. Every, Dispensary Walk, Bendigo. Property 52 Queen Street, Bendigo being Crown allotment 16 section 29C land described in certificate of title volume 2585 folio 307 together with all floor coverings, blinds, curtains & electric light fittings and shades. Price 11,800 dollars. Attached plans of inside, Insurance cover note, engagement or appointment in writing pursuant to section 33 of the estate agents act and statement pursuant to section 34 of the estate agents act.