Physical description

Contract of sale dated 29th May, 1963 between National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia, 95 Queen Street, Melbourne (vendor) and Miss A. M. Simmonds & Mr. A. W. Ewart (purchaser). Solicitor for vendor: H. E. Every, Chancery House, Dispensary Walk, Bendigo. Solicitor for purchaser: H. E. Every, Chancery House, Dispensary Walk, Bendigo. Property: 207 Eaglehawk Road, Long Gully being part of a former Roman Catholic Church Reserve at Long Gully being land comprised in certificate of title volume 5562 folio 269, together with linoleums, curtains, blinds, light fittings and light shades now in the dwelling house erected on the said land. Price: 1,675 pounds.