Physical description

Australian copy book for sixth and seventh grades. Quotations, poetry and prose, commercial, letters and forms. published for the Education Department by Albert J. Mullett. At the top right corner in pencil the name Ida A. Comer. On the back a design of a pupil sitting at a desk with the words: position for writing back view. Underneath the picture the characteristic features of the writing in this series of copy books are as follow: 1- The slope is 15 degrees from the vertical. 2 - the joinings of the letters are made so that the whole word may be written without lifting the pen. 3 - The letters are formed in the same way throughout the series. 4 - The distance between the words is greater than between the letters. 5 - Simplicity has been arrived at by making the loops short, and by avoiding all flourishes. on the inside front cover directions for writing and on the inside back cover two pictures of a girl writing with the words: girl starting and finishing line. The book has 22 pages.