Physical description
Small booklet: Some Australian Animals. On the front cover a Koala with baby on the back. Published in April 1959 by the Bank of New South Wales. It has 17 pages. Contents: Foreword - Banded Ant Eater - Spiny Ant Eater - Bandicoots - Bats - Bilbies - Marsupial Cats -Cuscus - Dingo - Flying Foxes - Flying Squirrels - Gliders - Koala (inside front cover0 - Kangaroos - Mice - Marsupial Mice - Marsupial Mole - Numbat - Pademelons - Platypus - Possums - Rats - Tasmanian Devil - Tasmanian Tiger - Tiger cat - Thylacine - Wallabies - Wallaroos - Warrigal - Wombats.