Physical description

Blue cover 160 page book 'The Wonderful Pocket', title barely discernible on front cover. Circular coloured painting of small child climbing upwards on rocks to reach bird nest, centred on front cover. Written on fly page, very faded, 'Presbyterian Sabbath School Axedale, Awarded to Jonathan Harris for attendance, October 1886 (? faint) Impress of bookseller ' Bookseller, R. Souter, Sandhurst' on top RH corner of flyleaf. Book is an instructive text 'an attempt to embody some useful truths in a form to interest the young' and contains a chapter at the end titled: 'wise sayings from Africa'. Author Chauncey Giles. Published by Wakefield, William Nicholson and Sons, London. S.D. Ewins and Co., and W. Tegg.

Inscriptions & markings

Chauncey Giles