Physical description

Document. Dr. J.J.Ridge has prepared the following list of Simple Remedies for relief of pain, for colic, faintness, and palpitation. 1. WATER as hot as can be conveniently swallowed, either alone or slightly sweetened. To be sipped. Even cold water stimulates the heart without exhausting it. 2. GINGER TEA:- One teaspoonful of powdered ginger to a teacupful of boiling water; sweeten, sip hot. 3. HERB TEA:- A teaspoonful of powdered sage, mint, or similar herb, to a teacupful of boiling water; sweeten, sip hot. 4. MEAT EXTRACT:- A teaspoonful of Liebig's Extract or Bovril in a wineglassful of hot water, with herb flavouring if preferred. This is a special heart stimulant. Four copies.

Inscriptions & markings

Printed for the Bendigo Total Abstinence Society by A.M.Drummond, Printer, Bendigo Arcade.