Physical description

Copy of black and white photograph, South Bendigo Bowling Club 1906. Men on bowling green, dressed in white trousers, dark blazers, straw bowler hats. The spire on LH side is the Congregational church, later a school in Olinda Street, Quarry Hill. Poppet head in background, RH side, is the Cosmopolitan and Summer Hill United Gold Mining company ( registered) on 2nd September 1870. Brick chimney on extreme RH side of photo. Mine not in image, but close by was the Palmerston. The mine was on the Sophia Reef, Manager George Wilsn Froggatt. Shareholders 1870: Robert Taylor, Ellen Taylor, Henry Hattam, Michael Cock, Robert Carr, William H. Casey, John McCrae, Joseph Millin, William Moran, Morton Hansen, George W. Froggatt, John A. Woodward, Robert Moorhead, William Nicholls.

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