Physical description

Object. An elaborate item, with a light blue grosgrain ribbon background. An arched and a straight bar at the top state CORONA LODGE. A crown with fanned background, under which is a plinth and a clasp stating No 195 V.C. Below this is an inverted ^shape, highly engraved with a Greek eternity pattern, and decorative scrolling. From this shape hangs a rectangular shape 2 cms x 1.7 cms, which has a fine decorative edge, and a central motif. The underside of the ^shape is engraved as above.

Inscriptions & markings

Front: CORONA LODGE No195 V.C. Back: Presented to Wor.Bro.W.R.WRIGHT I.P.M. by the BENDIGO CORONA LODGE No 195 V.C. 25.8.20?1