Physical description

Colour photo of Caroline Pysing standing on a dais. She is wearing a navy and white swim costume and has a medal on a cord around her neck. Written on the front of the photo: Caroline Pysing 1st 1988 10yrs Brst. All Jnr 1989 Brst. All Jnr 1990 3rd. All jnr finals 1991-92. Written on the back of photo: Caroline Psying 1st medal 1988 10 year old. All Junior Finals 1989 Breast. All Junior Breaststroke 3rd 1990. All Junior Final 1991 Breaststroke All Junior Final 1992 Breaststroke Country Breaststroke 3rd 1990 Country Relay Team 1990 Caroline Pysing Genia Axell Kath Barber Jenny Barber