Physical description

The Manchester Assurance Company. Duplicate Fire Policy No. 8277256. Name of insured: Frank J. Every, sum insured 940 pounds premium 3 pounds 4 shillings 4 pennies. Expires on the 20th day of December, 1924. Insured are two buildings described as No.1 and 2 in the proposal for this insurance dated 20th December 1923, each of one storey having walls of wood, roof of iron, situate at the corner of Napier and Bosquet Street, White Hills, occupied by the insured No. 1 as a Dwelling house only, No. 2 as a motor shed only. On the building 1 900 pounds, building 2 40 pounds. Attached are 3 renewal certificates: 52007 from 20/12/1947 to 20/12/1948, 56299 from 20/12/1948 to 20/12/1949 and 60917 from 20/12/1949 to 20/12/1950.