Physical description

a B. A. 16081985 Gillies shares the spoils and the pies b B.A. 12051982 Gillies Famous Pies advertisement c B.A. GB The Pies to Buy advertisement d Newspaper article Four'n'Twenty take on the US market e Newspaper article Gillies pies fuelled the great Empire Climb f B.A.Bendigo stalwart (Alan Gillies) dies g Second Board launches Bendigo firm into big league h The Gazette Wed 26081981 Humble Beginnings i B.A. Sat. 27091980 GB Pies Keys to the door j B.A. Thur 17061980 The glorious Aussie pie k B.A. thur 17061976 tons of Meat - 1000s of Pies l The Age Mon 29071985 Going Public to make a big crust m The Bendigo Miner Thur 17012008 serving up an iconic pie n B.A. Tues 15092015 Fond Farwell planned for Gillies Pies founder o The Gazette Wed 26081981 Humble Beginnings p The Gazette Wed 26081981 Millions and Millions of pies is the Gillies Bros. Story q Out and About Narrewillock no. 2204 r-s-t-u-v Buy Goodness....It's Gillies

Inscriptions & markings
