Physical description

The item is a hard cover book recording stock in 1890 for T.J. Connolly, Ironmongers, Sandhurst. Each handwritten page lists goods by location, quantity, description, prices with price total at the bottom of each page. Locations include shelves, floor, yard, factory, paint shop. Pages 1 to 164 have been numbered by hand. An alphabetical index list types of stock on unnumbered pages after page 165, followed by blank pages. The hard cover is patterned and shows some wearing at the corners and front and minimal wear on the back. The spine edge is red with considerable wear at the top and bottom. The pages are bound together with string. This item is part of the Margaret Roberts Collection.

Inscriptions & markings

There are ink spots on the front and back cover. A list of numbers, titled "Prices required" is handwritten inside the back cover. A piece of paper is stuck inside the back cover, listing items to be added.