Physical description

A spiral bound publication of 149 pages featuring text, images and a bibliography. The cover features a skier and the title in red ink. The logo of Australian Professional Ski Instructors (APSI) is on the upper left corner of the front cover.


This manual was used by Australian Professional Ski Instructors in the 1990s, including those who were based at the Falls Creek Ski School. Some of the contributors to the publication included Kerry Lee Dodd and Mim and Mike Sodergren who were based at Falls Creek for many years. The Australian Professional Snowsport Instructors Inc. (APSI) is a not-for-profit membership association and Australia’s industry leaders for providing training and assessment to Snowsport instructor which was formally recognised in 1975. Kerry Dodd is a Life Member of APSI and co-ordinator of the Falls Creek Alpine Academy.