Historical information

Set of four newspaper cuttings about the Victorian Government's proposal to close Ballarat and Bendigo Tramways
1 - The Age 8/8/1968 - 455 x 84 - providing details of the proposal, SEC employees, bus replacement, and keeping some trams in Ballarat for use at Sovereign Hill. Notes the politics in the Government over this matter.
2 - The Age 27/10/1967 - 47 x 43 - noting that the State Government had ordered the TRB to hold an enquiry
3 - undated and unsourced - "Battle for Trams by Petition" - Cr Roff of Save the Trams Committee - slow start on the petition. Notes the TRB recommendation to scrap the trams.
4 - The Sun - "Save tram committee will meet" - 28/10/1967 - 122 x 40 - quotes Cr Rolf of the Committee and the negative view of Cr A Nicholson.


Yields information about the 1967/1968 proposal to closure both Ballarat and Bendigo Tramways. This proposal did not have the numbers in the upper house of the State Government.

Physical description

Set of four newspaper cuttings.

Inscriptions & markings

Some have the newspaper source in ink along the top edge.