Photograph - Photographs of Lewis Lewis and others

Historical information

Photographs of Lewis Lewis and Reg Ansett in various locations with family and friends.

Physical description

Three photocopies of photographs and 1 real photograph. They all have Lewis Lewis in them as well as others. The real photograph is a black and white photo of Lewis Lewis and his family beside a fence looking over the sea with large sea cliffs behind them (Image 3a). One of the photographs is a copy of this photo (Image 3b). Another photocopy is black and white photo of a different group of people in the same location by the sea (Image 3c). The last photocopy is black and white of a small plane with a group of people beside it (Image 3d).

Inscriptions & markings

The real photograph has an attachment on the back that says, '1930 - 1940 on tour with Bus owner Booter and Bendigo (Image 3a). His Mother, his grandfather, his wife, Reg Ansett, his Aunty and Lewis Lewis.' The photocopy of the real photograph has black pen written on it that says, 'His mother, his grandfather, wife, Reg Ansett, his Aunty, Lewis Lewis, Garage Boort and Bendigo Bus owner 1920 - 1940. Built Medical Centre he left behind Rosanna,' (Image 3b). The last photocopy has blue pen written above the photo saying, 'History Lewis Lewis and Reg Ansett,' (Image 3d).

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