Historical information

The magazine was edited by Reverand R.C. Nugent Kelly as an Anglican Church publication.

Reverend Kelly:
Born in 1858 to Robert George and Mary Kelly (nee. Walker) of Birkenhead, England.
Married Emma Louisa Edith Cremer in 1882 in England
Died 11 Oct 1936 in Hornsby Shire, New South Wales, Australia
Kelly joined All Saints Bendigo in 1896 where he edited the 'Our Own Magazine' and established a reputation for effective financial management. He left Bendigo in 1901. Much of his life was spent dedicated to church work which was document as early as 1890. Now known as Old All Saints Cathedral, the church is located on the Northern corner of Mackenzie Street and Forest Street. The church was closed in 2015 and has remained abandoned. The church is located across the street from Bendigo Historical Society on Mackenzie Street.

The Lambeth Conference:
"The first Lambeth Conference took place in 1867 when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Thomas Longley, invited the bishops
of what would become the Anglican Communion to gather for a conference at Lambeth Palace.... There were two main issues that led to this invitation: First, a growing desire, expressed by many bishops around the world, to gather in order to pray, to study scripture and to confer together and, second, to address difficult pastoral and theological issues that were causing divisions between bishops around the world. These issues related to how the Christian gospel was and should be expressed in different cultures... Over successive Lambeth Conferences the mind of the bishops was expressed through published resolutions. These resolutions have touched on every area of the life and mission of the church... It has encouraged and enabled significant decisions to be made by the member churches"
The 1897 conference resulted in 62 resolutions including the desire and establishment of regular conferences every ten years.

Physical description

1 October 1897 Edition of 'Our Own Magazine: A Church Monthly for the People'. The front cover contains the phrasing "registered as a newspaper" directly under the 'O' of "Our" though has been categorised as a magazine. Printed in black and white, the 10 page (not including covers) contains several advertisements for local Bendigo businesses. The cover showcases a hand drawn image of a robed man holding a ribbon "For God and His Church". The back cover shows a large black and white image of Enterprise Baking Powder. Other images include logos for local business and an ornate header on the front page. There are also ornate drop caps throughout the publication.

The magazine includes articles pertaining to The Pope, the Lambeth Conference, Alexander Mackay of Uganda, the death of W. Walsham How (Bishop of Wakefield, C of E), the establishment of a press committee by the Anglican church, summaries of important sermons, mission notes, Parish news, baptisms, marriages and deaths.

Centre fold and stapled together, each page is presented in a two-column layout. There is only one staple in the spine.
Some pages extend past the edge of the cover.