Historical information

BHS Collection

Physical description

A Davis Tyre pump. A black metal cylinder four centimetres diameter and 48 centimetres long is attached to a metal plate four centimetres wide and 14 centimetres long. A one centimetre diameter, 50 centimetre long rubber hose is attached to the bottom of the cylinder has a metal fitting on the other end. The wooden handle on top of the cylinder is 17 centimetres long and three centimetres diameter, it has a one centimetre diameter, 44 centimetre long metal rood attached to the middle of it which goes into the cylinder and presumably has something on the end of it to push air through the rubber hose. The logo near the top of the pump is partly destroyed has on it - 02 (an unreadable word) DAVIS TYRE PUMP. (There is a picture of The Davis Cup tennis trophy in the middle) Partly destroyed on the bottom of the logo is - DAVIS INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA
Part of the Aileen and John Ellison Collection