

Physical description

A receipt of purchase from Henry Jackson, General ironmonger and Iron merchant, by Mr F.D. Jones (labelled as secretary on the receipt/treasure in other documents) on behalf of the Devils Own Cricket club. The receipt is a professionally made, printed template printed on blue/purple coloured limed paper with red margins. The transactions made by Mr Jones are handwritten in cursive font with black ink. The receipt indicates that payment was made to Mr Jackson on the 10th and 25th of March 1875. the pound was used as currency.

This receipt is dated March 25th 1875. Detailing the repair of a cricket ball. W.B. Fox, a saddler and harness marker, executed the repairs.
The receipt is a professionally made, printed template in black ink on a light blue sheet of lined paper with red margins. The purchase order and payment remarks are handwritten in cursive with black ink. Pounds were used a currency.

This receipt is entirely handwritten in cursive with black ink on a torn rectangular piece of blue coloured paper. There is no official printing or branding on the receipt. The receipt details the purchase of a cricket ball by the Treasurer of the DOCC in March 1875 from F. Macoboy. The page has a large red stain/smudge in the top right-hand corner.

This professionally printed receipt is printed in black ink on a rectangular piece of white/cream coloured paper. The official branding is that of W. Welch, a general printer, binder etc. from Sandhurst. The record of the purchase of a 150-page record book for the DOCC by Mr. Jones is handwritten in cursive with black ink. The receipt is dated 8th March 1875 and payment was made on 9th March 1875.

This reciept is a handwritten note in black ink on a blue piece of lined paper no larger than a business card. The note, dated 1st March 1875, is addressed to Mr. F Jones, Hon Treasurer Devils Own C.C. The note is written by R.W. Franklyn in reference to 3767.4c and reads as follows:
"Please pay M'acoboy 5/- price of ball"

This receipt in professionally printed in black ink on a blue coloured, lined paper. The branding refers to Henry Jackson, as per 3767.4a, and details the purchase of cricket equipment by the Law C.C. The receipt is dated February 19, 1875.