Historical information

Five men in suits with high collars and bow ties pose with three ladies in evening dress. To the far left are Aaron Solomon and Annie Rose Drummond. Aaron Solomon (1870-1936) was enrolled at the RVIB school in 1878, after losing his sight at 6 years of age. He first began participating in concerts in September 1884, at an exhibition of talent that was held by the Institute and the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, to raise awareness of their work and achievements. He then became a regular performer with the entertainment troupe and travelled around Victoria singing and playing piano, even after his discharge from the Institute in 1892. In 1894 he formed his own troop of players and toured around Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand. This consisted of two females (Tilly Aston and Maggie Mulvogue) and three males (Charles Bartlett, John Irwin and himself). In 1896, Annie Drummond, Nellie Andrew and William Snell replaced the Aston, Mulvogue and Bartlett, and W.W. Spicer was appointed as manager with his wife acting as an assistant to the ladies of the group. In 1897-1898, H Forder replaced William Snell. On a return tour to New Zealand in late 1898, Thomas Andrews - brother to Nellie - joined the troop and Fred Hunter replaced H Forder. This was the first time the troop numbered eight people, who were also present when Annie Drummond married Aaron Solomon in Hamilton, New Zealand on Feb 3, 1899. This image could have been taken in 1898 before they left as a promotional card, or in 1899 when they returned, as a memento of the happy occasion.

Physical description

1 cardboard postcard size image with silver writing

Inscriptions & markings

A. Marks & Co
Elgin Street