Historical information

A description of efforts to fight the bushfires in Gippsland in 2003, including maps and illustrations. This volume was published as a tribute to the work of staff and volunteers who put themselves at risk to protect local communities. It shows the impact on those communities in Victoria and the support they gave to those involved in fighting largest bushfires in Victoria for 60 years.

The Alpine bushfires started on 8th January 2003, a day of Total Fire Ban. Lightning ignited 87 fires in the North-East and East Gippsland regions. Eight of these fires were unable to be contained; they joined together to form the largest fire in Victoria since the Black Friday fires in 1939. The majority of the area burnt in Victoria was public land, 1.19 million hectares of parks and forests, including 60 per cent of the Alpine National Park and 81 per cent of the Mt Buffalo National Park. Firefighting efforts were made difficult in hard-to-access, remote forest terrain. Approximately 90,000 hectares of private land was burnt.


This book is significant because it documents the 2003 Victorian Bushfires and serves as a tribute to the CFA staff and volunteers who fought them.

Physical description

This publication of 119 pages features text, colour images, maps and detailed information related to the 2003 bushfires in Victoria.

Inscriptions & markings

At bottom of front cover:-
CFA Victoria Logo
Victorian Government Logo