Historical information
The Harvest Home Hotel was licensed as a beer shop in 1866. Patrick Vallence was the licensee. On his death in 1874 his widow Mrs M. A. Vallence obtained the license. The date that this image was created has not been identified. Around 1883 George Marshall was leasing the hotel. The people in this image are could be members of the Marshall family and some of the staff who worked in the hotel at this time. Following a decrease in the population of Bacchus Marsh by 1911 the hotel had lost its licence. The Vallence family still owned the building after the loss of the hotel license in 1911and it was used for some years after this as a private residence by some members of the Vallence family.
Physical description
Small black and white photograph. The image depicts the Harvest Home Hotel situated in Main Street Bacchus Marsh. The name of the hotel can be seen above the verandah roof. The building appears to be of stone with decorative stonework corners. A verandah is inset to the left of a gabled front section which has its own door and window. A deep gutter runs along the front of the hotel, with a slab acting as a bridge to the road. Standing in front of the building facing the camera is a group of adults and children, men and women and boys and girls. A four seated buggy drawn by a single horse is also present in the image. The lantern erected above the horse trough can be seen.
- Reproduced in Bacchus Marsh: A Pictorial Chronicle, by Jean Oomes and Gwyn Moore, BMDHS Publication, 1986, page 45.