Historical information

A poppet head is the framework above a mine shaft which supports the wheels for the winding cables. there where hundreds of poppet heads in Bendigo.

Physical description

Wooden model of a Poppet Head. A pyramid shape with a 32 centimetre square shaped base rising 45 centimetres to a 13 centimetre square top with two nine centimetre pully wheels mounted on it. Halfway from the base is a 22 centimetre square platform. It has a nine centimetre square opening with a cage in it that is attached to a pully above. There is a twenty centimetre by ten centimetre platform extending from one side, the opposite side has a six centimetre wide staircase leading to the ground. there is cage in the bottom platform that is attached to a pully on the top platform. The whole model has varnish on it and is a light brown colour.