Historical information

“Fall-Line” was one of a series of magazines published by the Victorian Ski Association. It was produced from 1979 until 1985. It superseded their previous publication, “Ski” magazine and was followed by the “Australian Skiing” magazine. The Victorian Ski Association was formed in 1955.


This magazine is significant because it documents developments in the ski industry in Australia.

Physical description

A magazine featuring a coloured image on the cover and containing articles and advertising related to developments in skiing in Australia.
This issue included an update on improvements being made at Falls Creek.

The chairlift access area near the medical centre, long famous as the Mudpie Parlour of Falls Creek, has been sealed and Falls Creek itself, the waters of which have filled many an unsuspecting gum- boot, has been bridged, also near the medical centre.

A lock-up storage shed will be built along Bogong High Plains Road, just below the oversnow terminal, for the use and convenience of all village commercial operators and site holders. Direct access will be possible by snowmobile.

Falls Creek rates have risen to $82.50 per bed (less 10% discount if paid on time). The rise is the first in two years, and is less than the corresponding rise in the C.P.I. over that period.

The access trail from the water tanks at the base of the Home Trail to the nursery slope has been smoothed and widened to 12 metres, and a new six metre wide access trail has been cut from Falls Creek Road, just behind Diana lodge to the chairlift bottom station.

The Village Bowl comfort station is being extended and renovated, and the finishing touches are being put on the comfort station in the upper car park. Construction of an akja station/toilet block in Sun Valley will commence in 1980.

The Management Committee is investigating the purchase of a Mercedes 800 series snow-clearing machine to supplement the CRB equipment in use in village parking areas The village water supply has been re- designed to ensure adequate supply at all times.