Functional object - Ticket punches, "Months of the Year"

Historical information

"Surburban tickets of the Victorian Railways - H K Atkinson" published 1991 notes on page 123 "Edmondson tickets issued from trams were held in small pouches in the conductor's bag and were punched with a special date punch (ie. 1 to 31) to denote the day of issue." It is thought that the month would have been used as well, otherwise people could recycle tickets for each day of the month. No numeral punches have yet been seen by the Museum or the punch used. Three envelopes held, two of them have not be opened and checked.


Yields information VR Ticket systems.

Physical description

Set of steel punches with months of the year expressed in two letters, contained within three paper envelopes each marked "VR Elwood conductors ticket punches and Months of the Year"


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