Book, Sheila Gray, The South African war 1899 - 1902 : Service records of British and colonial women, 1993

Physical description

Red A4 thin book with black type on front cover and no text on spine or back cover. Has a plastic slip cover. Piece of paper sticky taped to the inside of the front cover.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

'Royal Australian Army Nursing / Corps Association / Victorian Branch' [top left of title page]
'Mrs Phyllis Wilson's / property' [towards the top right of title page]
'With best wishes - / Sheila Gray' [towards the bottom of title page]


'A record of the service in South Africa of Military and Civilian Nurses, Laywomen and Civilians' [text on front cover & title page]<br/>Contents:<br/>Army Nursing Service [UK]<br/>Army Nursing Service Reserve [UK]<br/>Nurses engaged locally <br/>Civil hospital nursing staff<br/>Private field hospital nursing staff<br/>Natal volunteer medical corps nurses<br/>Australian nurses<br/>Canadian nurses<br/>New Zealand nurses<br/>Maidservants to nurses, wardmaids and cooks<br/>Civilian support personnel

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