Historical information
Written on envelope attached: "This was sent to Aunty Mill from Aunty Grace. This photo was taken from our back gate opposite the post office. Miss Magan(?) was PM. The old Grenville Standard office run by Mr Adams. The little houses on the hill behind one was Mr Terrett a tailor who made the band uniforms. Mr Tom Bennett house butcher. The slaughter house is among the trees in the background. Note where the 'Law' is at the post office. I would like to see this enlarged. I think this photo is special because it shows the turntable where the trains used to turn before the rail went thru to Skipton which I remember all the [illegible] being made so many people working in Linton. As kids we loved to watch as the train came out facing a different way. The railway station master's house Mr Thompson was the SM. The old Grenville Standard office run by Mr Adams."
Note: "Aunty Mill" = Amelia (Millie) Bennett, afterwards Millie Allen. "Aunty Grace" = Grace Bennett, afterwards Grace Wishart.
Physical description
Black and white postcard of Grenville Standard building with railway station and station master's house in background.
Inscriptions & markings
On postcard: "Linton 30.6.09 [=1909] Dear Mill, you will be surprised at -- postcard and so soon. I forgot when writing, I wanted to ask you if Percy could get me a few dolls at wholesale price we are to have a bazaar for the church, and want to make something on our purchases. Let me know soon and I will get the money and quantity etc. required. Yours sincerely, Grace".