Photograph, Linton Post Office, Miss Boness, Postmistress, [1890s]

Historical information

Miss Eleanor Boness was Postmistress at Linton between 1890 and 1894. In the photograph she is most likely the woman not wearing a hat, with Jim Wearne who was postal assistant standing next to her.

Physical description

Sepia photograph of Linton Post Office, with members of the public standing outside it, and two staff members, identified as Jim Wearne and Miss Boness. (Side view of building, taken in Clyde Street).

Inscriptions & markings

Across top of card mount: "Linton Post Office 1900". Across bottom of card mount: "Jim Wearne Miss Boness". Note: Although this photograph is dated 1900 in the inscription, it was most likely taken at an earlier time.

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