Historical information
The St Patrick's Day sports meeting was an annual event in Linton during the 1920s and 1930s. In 1929 the events included running races for children, horse racing and motor car driving. R. O'Beirne was Secretary of the sports day committee.
Physical description
Green 'Banco' exercise book which contains information compiled for the St Patrick's Day Sports held March 9th 1929. Includes timetable of events, information on race distances, horses entered in races, penalty weights, handicaps, protests lodged, amounts paid in winnings etc. Also includes brief information on entries, winners and prize money paid for "Motor Car Driving" and "Musical Chairs in Cars" events, and summary of takings for the day.
Inscriptions & markings
On front cover: "R.O'Beirne, St Patrick's Day Races, March 9th 1929, Commenced 9th/2?[illegible]/1929". Inside front cover: "1929 1930". Inside back cover: Race notes in pencil.