Photograph, Carngham Linton U16 Football Team, circa 1970
Carngham Linton U16 Football Team, circa 1970
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Image courtesy of Linton and District Historical Society Inc.
Front row: Doug Nunn, Wally Nunn, Peter Hogarth, Geoff Bruty, Kim Cantwell, Graham Billman, Bill Grigg, Colin Richardson, Neil Brown. Back Row: Rocky Cameron, Greg Jackson, Geoff Wilson, Neil Wilson, Chris Grigg, John Uren, Frank Verdoorn, Trevor Richardson, Graham Oldham, Russell Howlett, -?-, Wayne Gardner.
Physical description
Colour photograph of a group of young football players. Players are wearing black, white and red football jumpers. A team member in the centre of the front row his holding a young child on his knee. Photograph is housed in a white folder.