Historical information
Gertrude Perry was born in California Gully in 1917. Her singing skills were recognized at an early age. She later sang with local choirs and sang on radio. She was involved with the Bendigo Operatic Society for many years.
Gertrude began her working life in sales. After studying book keeping she worked at the Bendigo Ordnance Factory during WW2 and then worked for local solicitors and accountants. Gertrude was involved with many community and sporting organizations.
Physical description
V.S.C.C. Inc. Certificate noting Gertrude Perry has been acknowledged as a PURPLE STAR MEMBER of the club having achieved the distinction of collecting 250 Souvenir Tea Spoons.
Certificate from Victorian Souvenir Collectors Club inc. Certificate signed on 20/7/91 by President M A Tobias, and Secretary K Rowe. Gertrude Perry Collection.
Inscriptions & markings
Certificate signed on 20/7/91 by President M A Tobias, and Secretary K Rowe