Legal record - Watson, James & Rogers. Solicitors. Surnames C, Rogers Collection

Historical information

In the early 1980s the firm of Watson, James & Rogers merged with the partnership of Every & Every and became the iconic “Rogers & Every” as known today. The firm is still located on Bull Street.

Physical description

a. Mr W. H. Clee - Contract of sale and Statutory Declaration. Handwritten documents signed by Mr. William Henry Clee re sale of land to his son James William Clee of Piavella Post Office via Prairie Farmer. The piece of land being part of Allotment One hundred and fifty-four [unknown symbol] Parish of Wanurp County of Bendigo.

Inscriptions & markings

Statutory declaration:
shows a small mark in the margin. looks like a capitalized, cursive M.
Sales Contract:
hand drawn margins.

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