Historical information
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life.
Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”.
This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski facilities at Falls Creek.
Physical description
The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally.
The cover features a photo of the Chair Lift and Slopes of Frying Pan Spur by Eric Burt.
Page 130 again included an advertisement for Snow Crystal Inn managed by Milan Kovacic and page 133 advertised vacancies at Grand Coeur Chalet.
A memorial notice for the death of George Fitzgerald of Shannonvale, a pioneer of Omeo, Victoria, builder of Fitzgerald Hut is on page 137.
A brief description of the beauty of Bogong Township in Autumn is on page 140 and a short article describing Falls Creek - Gateway to the High Plains is found on page 155. On page 166 developments made in Falls Creek since the previous winter are explained.