Historical information
These items are from the private collection of George Shirling of Red Onion, Falls Creek.
This advertisement was featured in The Australian Ski Yearbook 1937.
George Shirling arrived in Falls Creek in 1962. He engaged Phil Nowell to build the original Koki Alpine Lodge which opened in 1965 with 14 beds. George operated the lodge with Michael “Baldy” Blackwell as manager.
He also graduated in sport psychology in 1981 and was invited to become team psychologist for the Australian Winter Olympic team which went to Albertville, France, in 1992. He later owned the Red Onion Chalet.
George credited the success of Koki to “Baldy” Blackwell. “Baldy” and Phil Nowell started the Trackers Mountain Lodge in partnership during the 1980s.
In 1971 George sold Koki Lodge to Sigi Doerr. In 2024 the renamed Koki Alpine resort remains a highly popular destination in Falls Creek.
George Shirling passed away on 27th February 2023. He had remained actively involved in Falls Creek and was generous with his time and knowledge, always an amazing supporter of The Falls Creek Museum and Falls Creek Village.
This item is significant because it contained promotional material for Australian Ski Resorts and also honoured Cleve Cole.
Physical description
A black and white advertisement for Skiing in Victoria. It is accompanied by a detailed sign which explains key items in the publication.
This edition of the Australian Ski Year book also contains an account of the death of Cleve Cole on 19th August 1936. Cleve Cole was ever an adventurer, and his passion for skiing led him, year after year, to pioneer new runs and open up new country. He pushed hard for the development of Mt. Bogong as a "skiing resort". After his death £500 was sought to build a "substantial stone building on Mt. Bogong which would give access to really excellent ski runs on the highest mountain in the State". Today, the Cleve Cole Memorial Hut (altitude 1,760m) stands 4kms south of Mt. Bogong, about 15kms NE of Falls Creek across the Big River. Cleve Cole's death led to the Victorian Government making a grant of £50 for the erection of snow pole lines on Mt. Bogong so that "all those who desire will now be able to spend a holiday in Victoria on Mt. Bogong" (Australian Ski Year Book 1937, page 55)
Inscriptions & markings
ITEM No. 2
The Australian Ski Year Book 1937
"For Perfect Skiing in Victoria... THIS WINTER!" (advertisement page xxxi)