Physical description
Framed oil on board painting of "The Shrine of Remembrance" depicting the forecourt area.
Inscriptions & markings
On right hand side of painting it shows the R.A.N conflicts.
Atlantic - Mediterranean - Red Sea - Persian Gulf - Indian Ocean - Java Sea - Coral Sea - Pacific.
Artists name Dacre Smyth appears in bottom left hand corner. " The Shrine of Remembrance " appears below painting.
On the frame is dedication reading " Let all men know that this is holy ground .This shrine established in the hearts of men. As on the solid earth" .
..... Let praise resound For those who died; may all remember them.
On rear of painting The Shrine of remembrance by Dacre Smyth 2003. Will always be in touch Don. All the best David. Alan McConnell.
Mounting & framing
Picture is mounted in gold gilded frame.