Photograph - Portrait, Peter Bruhn, 03/1978

Historical information

Dr Leslie Koadlow AO (1920-2006), Rheumatologist, was the Medical Director of the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Hospital. In 1968, he co-founded the Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria (RAAV) with his secretary, Alice Petty, and one of his patients, Mollie Riches (1896-1979). This photo of Dr Koadlow and Mollie Riches appears on page 11 of the Vol. 9, July 1978 edition of RAAV's quarterly newsletter, News Review. It is captioned, "Vision Becomes Reality. Co-founders, Dr Les Koadlow and Mrs Mollie Riches, together again at RAAV's new Action Centre in the grounds of Royal Talbot, where the idea for RAAV was born." The photo accompanies an article titled, "LINCOLN INSTITUTE HELPS OUT". The article states that RAAV approaced the Lincoln Centre's Department of Educational Resources to enlist the services of their photographers to take a photo of Dr Koadlow for a press release. A cropped version of the photo also appears (with other photos) on the front cover of the Vol 19 Issue 2, Winter 2006 edition of Update. The photos accompany an obituary for Dr Leslie Koadlow AM (1920-2006).

Physical description

B&W portrait of two people standing side by side. The man is wearing a suit and shirt, and a dark tie with polka dots. The woman is wearing a dress or shirt with a bold geometric pattern.

Inscriptions & markings

[on photo, in pencil] Dr Leslie Koadlow Mollie Riches [on photo, in blue ink] Courtesy of Lincoln Institute 10/5/78

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