Newspaper - Albert Ernest Richardson, Peter Anderson's article 2020

Historical information

Albert Richardson was born on 22nd. June, 1902 to George Albert Richardson and Catherine Agnes (nee Flynn). He married Mavis Irene Yarwood on 23rd. December, 1931. Albert Richardson's childhood activities in Duncan Street, Long Gully, were influenced strongly by the occupation of his father and grandfather, both of whom were engine drivers on the Bendigo field. Albert had his own model goldmine, complete with poppet head, baling tanks etc and was up and ready to start work with the sound of the 7 a.m. mine whistles.
Albert spent a short time working as a motor mechanic and then took up0 welling insurance with T & G. However, his heart was with the mines and he worked daytimes with T. & G. and then took off to learn engine driving with night shift in one of the mines. He gained his engine drivers' ticket in 1938 and began work at the Nell Gwynne. His longest work time was at the North Nell but he also had shorter spells at other mines. His leter work years were spent at John Brown, from where he retired in 1968.
Albert had a deep regard for the working man and worked for many years in the position of Secretary at the Trades Hall, Bendigo. (adapted from biography in BHS Collection, written by I. Hendry, 1972)
The Bendigo Historical Society holds a wide range of Bendigo mining records researched and written by Mr. Albert Richardson. He was President of the Bendigo Branch of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria from 1969 to 1971.When he joined the Bendigo Branch in 1966 he began compiling a history of the Bendigo mines. He spent many long hours researching at the Bendigo Mines Department, summarising mine records. He gathered relevant mining material wherever it could be obtained. He devoted most of his spare time and energy to the Society, conducting tours of the goldfields, writing articles and presenting talks to various organisations.
His first and foremost interest lay in Victoria Hill. He examined mining reports and early newspaper articles to document its history. He envisaged the once fabulously rich hill as becoming a tourist attraction and campaigned vigorously to achieve this. In 1971 his dream was realised, when, with the help of South Bendigo Rotary Club 'The Hill' was cleaned up and historical site4s sign-posted.
In 1972 the Bendigo Trust produced a booklet on Victoria Hill. Albert Richardson is acknowledged as the person ' on whose work and writings the text of this booklet has been based' The park adjoining Victoria Hill was named the Albert Richardson Reserve in his honour.

Physical description

Four newspaper clippings on mining, focusing on Albert Richardson's life; his passion for mining history and more generally, the work of engine drivers on the Bendigo goldfield.
Clippings taken from the 'Bendigo Weekly' 2016, dated September 29 'Learner Drivers' , October 7 'Becoming qualified', October 14 'Steam power in his veins' and November 11 ' Victoria Hill over the decades'. All articles written by James Lerk in a series titled 'Discover Bendigo'.

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