Photograph - Photographic study, Peter Bruhn, 03/1978

Historical information

This photo of rheumatologist and founder of the Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria (RAAV), Dr Leslie Koadlow AO (1920-2006), was taken in the early days of the Association's existence. In the photo, Dr Koadlow is depicted lying on his side in his office, amongst some paperwork spread out on the carpeted floor. The photograph appears on page 3 of the Vol 9, July 1978 issue of the RAAV's quarterly newsletter, News Review. It is captioned: "The Medical Doctor in his "office" - 5th May, 1978. Photo - Courtesy Lincoln Institute." The photo accompanies an article titled, "Quaterly report of honorary medical director and president". In the article, Dr Koadlow points out that he has been working under difficult conditions, in an office that has yet to be furnished.

Physical description

B&W photo of a man, wearing a shirt, tie, and trousers, is lying on his side across a carpeted floor. He is propped up on one elbow, and is holding a small recording device or dictaphone in one hand. In his other hand, he is holding some papers. On the floor in front of him are several piles of paperwork, a folder, a bunch of keys, a box of matches and a pen. Behind him, there is a mug on the floor and an office/desk chair on castors.

Inscriptions & markings

[Handwritten in pencil, across the top left of the photo] (I) March 1978 [Handwritten in blue pencil, middle left of photo] Page 3 [Handwritten in dark blue ink, diagonally across middle right of photo, & underlined in blue pencil] The Medical Director in his office [Handwritten in dark blue ink directly below] March 5th 1978. [Below that, handwritten in dark blue ink, diagonally across at a slightly different angle and in different handwriting] Courtesy of Lincoln Institute 10/5/78

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