Historical information
Demonstrates a variety of Provincial Tramways tourist tickets used by Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong Tramways.
Physical description
Assorted Ballarat Tramway Tourist tickets with a value of 1/- (pre 1966). The tickets are printed State Electricity Commission of Victoria, with ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY in bold print. The tickets were produced for the Provincial tramways of Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. Row 1 of tickets has partitioned sections for Town, Year, Day, Month and Date and are available for one return journey on each route. Row 2 tickets can be nipped for the Town, the date, and a space has been left to hand write the full date. Row 2 tickets also provide a space for the Passenger's signature, and can be used for any route on the given date. The tickets are printed on cream or beige card with dark blue ink used for printing. The tickets are not transferable to another person.
Inscriptions & markings
Row 1 Ticket 1, the years 1944-1945 and 1946 have been crossed out and replaced with 1947-1948 and 1949, printed over in red ink. Row 2 tickets have a hand written note which reads (issued 1940 - 43 in pencil.