Historical information
The Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria's second Christmas Family Fun Day fete was held on the 1st of December, 1979 at Action House, on the grounds of the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Hospital in Kew. This photo depicts the Kew Citizens' Band performing at the fete. According to an article published in the Vol 15, December 1979 issue of the Association's quarterly newsletter, News Review, two bands provided musical entertainment on the day - the Kew Citizens Band and the Irish National Pipe Band. A photo of the Irish National Pipe Band appears on page 1 (the front cover) of the newsletter; however, this photo of the Kew Citizens Band was not published. The article accompanying the photo, titled "FETE GOES WITH A SWING", confirms that both bands provided musical entertainment on the day.
Physical description
B&W photo of a brass band playing on a grassy area outdoors. A conductor is leading the band. On the drummer's drum, the text "Kew Citize" (partially obscured) is visible. In the background, there are people browsing amongst market stall tents.
Inscriptions & markings
[on photo, in blue ink, top left corner] 14 ; [on olive green paper, taped onto photo with cellophane tape] RAAV PHOTO Kew Citizens Band entertaining the crown [sic] in the lovely grounds of Royal Talbot.