Painting - Large wooden framed painting

Historical information

Michael Turner born in 1934 is a British painter and illustrator specialising in motoring and aviation paintings.
After leaving school he attended Art College followed by National Service with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers for 2 years. On leaving National Service
he worked with a London advertising studio before turning freelance in1957.
The Bristol Blenheim depicted in the painting was a British light bomber used extensively for 2 years of the Second World War. It was powered by a pair of Bristol Mercury V111
air cooled radial engines capable of developing 860 bhp. armament was a combination of Vickers, Browning and Lewis machine guns in .303 ( 7.7mm ).
A 1000lb (450kg ) could be carried in the internal bomb bay in the centre section of the fuselage.
The 114 Squadron was a Squadron of the British Royal Air Force formed in India during the First World War. The Squadron was disbanded in 1971.

Physical description

Large wooden framed painting of an RAF WW2 bomber in flight.

Inscriptions & markings

Below the painting is the wording " A 114 Squadron Blenheim 1V on a low level bombing run over the power station at Knapsack Cologne, in August 1941 - donated by Laurie Pillar".

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