Historical information
The Northern District School of Nursing opened in 1950 in to address the issues around nurse recruitment, training and education that had previously been hospital based. The residential school was to provide theoretical and in-house education and practical training over three years. The students would also receive practical hands-on training in the wards of associated hospitals. The Northern District School of Nursing operated from Lister House, Rowan Street, Bendigo. It was the first independent school of nursing in Victoria and continued until it closed in 1989.
The book "The First of its Kind" was published in 2015. Printed in Bendigo by "Bendigo Modern Press".
Memories compiled by Peter Rosewall; who attended the last NDSN school PTS 108 between 1986 - 89.
Physical description
Front and back cover of a small thankyou cardboard card with the words. Thank You on the front and a sketch of a teddy bear sitting at a desk writing. The back cover has the symbol Teddy Bear Lane. Inside the card was a blank page and on the other page is the handwritten note: "Dear Maree and Committee, Thank you for all of your hard work in making the NDSN 50th reunion a huge success. I enjoyed myself greatly. Yours Sandra Waugh, School 61.
Inscriptions & markings
Four sides, front sketch and thank you, second page blank, third page the note and the back page is the details of the publishing company of the card.