Photograph, H.Moffatt Coachbuilder General Blacksmith Main Street Bacchus Marsh

Historical information

H. Moffatt, blacksmith, opened new brick premises in 1899 on the site of a similar building burnt down the previous year. He continued to operate as a coachbuilder and blacksmith on this site until 1927 when he retired. Since then, the premises have been used for coffin making, a hardware store, furniture store, bathroom supplies among other things. It is now operating as Lola's Restaurant.

Physical description

Black and white photographic print. Dating from the early 1900s, this photograph is of a substantial brick building opened in 1899 by Mr H. Moffatt at 110 Main Street on the site of a similar building which burnt down in 1898. A sign at the front reads: H.MOFFATT COACHBUILDER GENERAL BLACKSMITH. A number of horse-drawn carriages, two and four-wheeled, stand on the footpath, roadway and on the vacant block next door. The road appears to be unmade and is separated from the elevated footpath by barge boards. Advertising signs line the side wall of the building. Four men stand on the road, three wearing the leather apron worn by blacksmiths, one wearing a long white apron as was often worn by shop assistants. Horse droppings, a common sight in those days, can be seen on the roadway.

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