Historical information
The Sir John Quick Committee was formed in 1991 to commemorate the achievements of Sir John Quick who played a prominent role in the federation of Australia. The Committee aimed to raise awareness of the contribution of Sir John Quick and to ensure that he was recognized for the part he played.
Physical description
1. Press release from CoGB re the Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the death of Sir John Quick, held on 17th June 1992.
The Mayor Cr. Douglass paid tribute to Sir John Quick at a ceremony held in the Queen Victoria Gardens at the site of the bust of Sir John Quick. The Mayor and Cr. John Balsillie also laid a wreath on the grave of Sir John Quick at the Bendigo Cemetery.
2. Order of Service for a commemoration held at the Forest St Uniting Church on 17th June 1992. Guest speaker Michele Matthews.
3. Two coloured photographs of the ceremonies.
4. Four newspaper articles covering the events of the commemoration.