Document - Michele Matthews collection - documents re first attempt to establish an archive centre/\museum in Bendigo, from 25/04/1988 to 12/12/1988, 25/02/2025

Historical information

Documents re first attempt to establish an archive centre/museum in Bendigo, from 25/04/1988 to 12/12/1988

Physical description

Michele Matthews collection - documents re first attempt to establish an archive centre/museum in Bendigo, from 25/04/1988 to 12/12/1988
25/04/1988 - handwritten and typed letter from Michele Matthews iniating an opinion to have a Bendigo Archives
21/04/1988 - letter for meeting of the Bendigo Archives / Museum Core Group on Wednesday June 1st at her home, 18 Kirby Street, Golden Square
16/05/1988 - letter signed by 20 members of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies "in full support of the proposed archives"
23/05/1988 - Minister of Property Services acknowledging the letter concerning the possibility of housing various public records in a proposed museum in Bendigo
24/05/1988 - five page letter from Wayne Gregson, Providence Cottage, RMD Barnadown Road, Goornong supporting the proposed museum
1/06/1988 - minutes of the archives and museum working party's inaugural meeting held on June 1st at 18 Kirby Street, Golden Square
2/06/1988 - two page flyer form Bruse Reid, Liberal Spokesman - Lister House could be Bendigo's Museum
17/06/1988 - letter from Diane Collier, acting archivist, advising of consulting archivist services
20/06/1988 - advising Bendigo City Council discussed the proposed Bendigo Regional Archives Museum on several occasions and "supports, in principle, the aims and objectives of the submission"
8/07/1988 - letter to Mr David Kennedy, Member for west Bendigo from the Minister for Property & Services, Peter Spyker M.P.
12/07/1988 - 14 page letter from David Kennedy M. L. A., referring the letter from Mr Spyker
14/11/1988 - minutes of a public meeting held at "Lister House", 37 Rowan Street, Bendigo to "establish interest in forming a steering promote the formation of a Bendigo & Regional Archive and Social History Museum at "Lister House"
1/11/1988 - three-page submission / proposal for thew establishment of a Bendigo Regional Archive and Social History Museum
24/11/1988 - from David Kennedy M.L.A. forwarding a reply from the Minister for Property & Services

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