Photograph - Dummy and staff outside Brunswick Car Shed, c1890

Historical information

Photograph shows Dummy or Grip Car on run-out track outside Brunswick Car Shed in Sydney Road, Brunswick. Lined up in the foreground along the side of the Dummy are approx 20 tram crew and other staff, most in assorted uniforms with unbuttoned jackets. While the photo's reproduction is poor, the destination board reads 'H. B. Railway' (Hobson's Bay Railway) once located at the Flinders and Elizabeth Streets terminus. This early railway became part of the Victorian Railways in 1878, well before the opening of the Brunswick cable line in 1887 and this photograph c1890. Photo from C B Thomas collection.


Yields information about Brunswick Car Shed and Sydney Road

Physical description

Black and white photograph with notes on rear.

Inscriptions & markings

In ink "8" and "K McC"

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