Historical information
Photograph shows tramway traffic inspectors looking at Gibson ticket machine that has caused a strike at the Footscray bus depot over the use of one-man buses. Details of the event are give in the Melbourne Herald 20/11/1953 - see first reference for the Trove link. The strike also stopped the tram services. Des Shooter Union Delegate was suspended over the issue - Reference trove link 2 and 3 for for developments of the story.
Note the "traffic" numbers on the caps of the inspectors - see item 8336 for these.
Yields information about a dispute at Footscray depot in 1953 over one man buses and ticket machines.
Physical description
Black and white photograph with an undated press cutting on the rear.
Inscriptions & markings
"Misc-trams-employees" in red ink, a unreadable date stamp and "Trams Vict" on rear in pencil.